Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spanish common words. Lesson 1

Spanish common (general) words and phrases , Lesson .1spanish-common-words-1

Greetings !

After learning Spanish alphabet (alphabeto) , now you are ready to exercise some Spanish common phrases .

We can start first step with learning some simple words. These are useful and will help you to learn Spanish grammar.

Now read the most useful Spanish words , phrases and repeat until memorize.

Spanish | English

Hola : Hello

¿cómo estas? : How are you? (Singular, one person) *

¿cómo está usted? : How are you? (Plural, two or more)

Gracias : Thank you

Muchas Gracias : Thank you very much !

De nada : You are welcome ( ?)

Por favor : Please

Buenos días : Good morning (good day)

Boenos trades : Good afternoon

Boenos noches : good night

Discúlpeme : Excuse me ! (forgive me)

Perdóneme : Pardon , Apology

Lo siento : Sorry

Señor : Mister (Sir)

Señora : Mrs , (Lady)

Señorita : Ms. Mademoiselle , Maid

Chico : Boy

Chica : Girl

Hasta luego : Hope to see you !

Hasta Pronto : See you soon.

* Note : Spanish language use question mark at the beginning and end of each question.
like this : ¿cómo está usted?

Well done! Now try to use these useful Spanish common word and phrases.

<< Spanish Alphabet | Home Page | Next lesson >>


  1. What's the difference between buenos and boenos?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Buenos días : Good morning (good day)

    Boenas trades : Good afternoon - Buenas - La Tarde

    Boenas noches : good night - Buenas - La Noche

  4. hi,my languege is persian and i want to learn spanish,then becuse i neet to word intonation,please helm me for it.

  5. Often this basic words is all you need if your a tourist in Spanish speaking country, particularly in Spain or in Latin America. But would be great to learn Spanish and speak it fluently? This is a good start, learning a few words and growing it further.

  6. this is so easy i never new learning spanish as this pips im almost were my sister is and shes been doing it for 2 more years than me!!!! :D

  7. guys
    to learn spanish just click this
    learn spanish online

  8. There is a vast difference between learning Spanish from a school and learning it from an online resource. In online medium you learn on your own, there is no one to guide you, to correct your pronunciation or to make you practice Spanish. It is suggested to join Spanish school Costa Rica and get quality education in this language.
