Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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Jobs in Spanish -
Spanish English
Perofesor Professor
Medico Doctor
Azafata Flight attendant
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Jobs in spain , Spanish Jobs and Spanish jokes and Spanish story

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Simple everyday words


Spanish simple everyday words

Learn spanish common words.

Spanish | English

¿Qué significa esto? What does it means ?

quien es Usted? What is Your name (in Spanish)

Spanish Love words and phrases exams and tests

Spanish Lessons Index

Monday, March 2, 2009

spanish simple phrases lesson 2

Spanish Common phrases , Lesson .2

After training some simple Spanish words in first lesson

it is good time to exercise some other Spanish everyday words.

Spanish | English

La vida : Life

Bella : beauty

Elegane : nice , beauty

Bonito : nice , beauty

La vida es bella : Life is beautiful

Mano : Hand

Hombre : Man ['ombɾe]

Mujer : Woman [mu'xeɾ]

Familia : Family [fa'milja]

Padre : Father ['paðɾe]

Madre : Mother ['maðɾe]

Hija : Son ['ixa]

Hijo : Daughter ['ixo]

Nieto : Grandson ['njeto]

Nieta : Granddaughter ['njeta]

Now exercise Spanish Common word lesson .2 and memorize the new word.

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Spanish Lessons Index

Thursday, February 26, 2009

lessons index

Spanish lesson index

  1. Alfabeto - The Spanish alphabet
  2. Spanish common words an phrases . Lesson 1
  3. Spanish common words an phrases . Lesson 2
  4. Spanish simple everyday words . Lessons 3
  5. index of Spanish lessons
  6. Spanish Translation in London

Now we train Spanish lessons in London UK.
Spanish Simple Every day phrases. English

How To Learn Spanish language if you are beginner. in Ireland or united states.

Spanish lesson plans help and giude you.

Start Learning Spanish name and numbers with us.
The Fastest Way is here.

Teach Yourself and Start Speaking Spanish based on English language. fast and easy is here.

Learn Spanish Speak Easy fast for tourists. tour and travel to Spain.
Learn Spanish Reading in English The Solution to learn Spanish Learning Spanish for Kids
Fun, Child Friendly picture dictionary.

how to Learn Spanish Online Fast and free for travel ?

want to learn Spanish ? alphabet and common words and phrases.

Irish spanish trainers.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spanish common words. Lesson 1

Spanish common (general) words and phrases , Lesson .1spanish-common-words-1

Greetings !

After learning Spanish alphabet (alphabeto) , now you are ready to exercise some Spanish common phrases .

We can start first step with learning some simple words. These are useful and will help you to learn Spanish grammar.

Now read the most useful Spanish words , phrases and repeat until memorize.

Spanish | English

Hola : Hello

¿cómo estas? : How are you? (Singular, one person) *

¿cómo está usted? : How are you? (Plural, two or more)

Gracias : Thank you

Muchas Gracias : Thank you very much !

De nada : You are welcome ( ?)

Por favor : Please

Buenos días : Good morning (good day)

Boenos trades : Good afternoon

Boenos noches : good night

Discúlpeme : Excuse me ! (forgive me)

Perdóneme : Pardon , Apology

Lo siento : Sorry

Señor : Mister (Sir)

Señora : Mrs , (Lady)

Señorita : Ms. Mademoiselle , Maid

Chico : Boy

Chica : Girl

Hasta luego : Hope to see you !

Hasta Pronto : See you soon.

* Note : Spanish language use question mark at the beginning and end of each question.
like this : ¿cómo está usted?

Well done! Now try to use these useful Spanish common word and phrases.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Alfabeto - The Spanish alphabet for beginers

Alfabeto - The Spanish alphabet for beginers

Spanish alphabet (alfabeto en español ) is very similar to English alphabet. So you can learn it , if you know English alphabet.

the following letters make up the Spanish alphabet (alfabeto) :

a , b , c , ch , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , l , ll , m , n , ñ , o , p , q , r , rr , s , t , u , v , w , x , y , z. (small letters)

Now review the CAPITAL LETTERS with name of each letter.

A: aSpanish Alphabet-letters
B: be
C: ce
CH: che
D: de
E: e
F: efe
G: ge
H: hache
I: i
J: jota
K: ka
L: ele
LL: elle
M: eme
N: ene
Ñ: eñe
O: o
P: pe
Q: cu
R: ere
RR: double erre
S: ese
T: te
U: u
V: ve
W: uve doble
X: equis
Y: i griega
Z: zeta

Now repeat and memorize alphabeto !

Source :

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